Why WildFires?
Well before the climate change agenda became big news, and the present increase in global temperatures had become an issue with regards adverse weather extremes, the prophets in the Church, were foretelling that “God would move once again in the land of Wales”. A revival would break out in the Churches up and down the land, “and it will spread like a wildfire!”
At the turn of the Century, we knew very little of wildfires – it was something that happened in California on occasion, and maybe in Australia, but that was about it. However, over the last 20 years things have changed significantly. We are now very much aware of global changes in the weather patterns, and particularly the dramatically hot summers around the world that are causing the most horrific wildfires, which tragically bring such devastation and loss of life.
The speed at which the fires spread is barely comprehendible. Firefighters try their best to dampen down the scorched earth, aircraft drop their limited water supply, and still the fire spreads like crazy! It even jumps the “fire-breaks” that had been set to try and alleviate such disasters. But alas, to no avail. The fires spread, the heat increases, the wind whips up a storm, and houses and lives are sadly lost.
I’m led to understand that a wildfire can travel up-to 14 mph on grassland, and around 6mph in a forest. Now that might not sound like lightening speeds in our fast food, fast car society – but when your house is in the path of a spreading wildfire – then you don’t have much time to save all your precious belongings, or indeed your life! It’s called a force of nature – that’s to say, “in the natural”. But what about the Spiritual! What about “the force” so to speak, of God? What about the wind of the Holy Spirit? What about the refining fire, that burns up all the impurities, dross, and imperfections? Now that’s a very different take on a spiritual, God driven “Wild Fire” and what it will do.
Wales has been called, “The Land of Revivals”. Back in the 19th Century, there was a notable revival in the Chapels and Churches of Wales every ten years or so. Remarkable things were happening, and we can see the remnants of that today, by the numbers of Chapels and Churches that were built – virtually on every street corner. And in that day, they were full! The Chapel had become one of the centres of community life and culture in the valleys and villages, towns and cities throughout Wales.
Of course, in 1904 Wales experienced the most powerful and effective “Great Revival” led by Evan Roberts. The Chapels were full to the gunnels – the pubs were empty, the law-courts fell silent, and the glorious singing filled the hills and valleys. Wales became known as the Land of Song. The Welsh society was dramatically affected, individual lives were transformed, families were restored, communities reunited, and the effects were felt worldwide. Over 100,000 recorded salvations in Wales alone, with Chapels bursting with new members and converts. They were precious times in our history. The USA, Canada, Africa, and Australia were all affected by this powerful move of God.
But sadly today, most of those vibrant centres of community life, the chapels, are closed or closing. They have become run-down, derelict, or converted into businesses, warehouses, and even residential homes. What on earth has happened? Well, the Church has become dry and barren. Like the wastelands that the hot sun scorches to a cinder, so all too often the Church has become lifeless.
My business is not to criticise, but rather, God has given me a mandate. The “Revival Wells” of the past have become blocked up. The water of God’s refreshing Holy Spirit, is no longer flowing through the Church into the lives of people, their homes, or their communities. God has charged me with the responsibility of “Unblocking the Wells of Wales”. There’s quite a story to it, but here I will just say that God repeated this mandate three times to me, in three different continents of the world, through three different individuals, who were all unknown to me personally.
And so, I think you will agree – we need a revival! We need God to move again in the land of Wales, by bringing new life into the Chapels and Churches, breathing new life into individuals, families and communities. As the old hymn puts it, “O Holy Ghost, revival comes from Thee, send a revival – start the work in me.” It’s our job to do our bit – whether that’s unblocking a well or getting involved in reaching out to those who are hurting, feeling unloved, battered and bruised by a cruel uncaring world. There is good news! It’s called “the Gospel”. And God Himself is the power behind it!
Why WildFires? Well, that’s what the prophets called it – “a WildFire Revival” that would spread throughout the land. It will spread quickly, and you will not be able to run away or hide from it. The devastation will be regarding the “religious spirit” that has settled on Chapels and Churches over the last 100 years. The desire to look after No 1, with ministers who are happy to do a job, but not so keen to fulfil a mission. Churches that are happy with their little meetings, having nice friends and associations but have little or no time to reach the lost, the lonely, the sick, the outcast or the downtrodden. Revival will change all that! As the early disciples were charged with “turning the world upside down” after the day of Pentecost – so the Revival will turn the Church “the right way up!” With right priorities and principles – it’s called “righteousness”. And it will shine like the dawn! (Isaiah 58)
The spiritual landscape of Wales is dry, dusty and barren – it is so sad to say, but by and large it’s become lifeless! Yes, there have been significant Spiritual uprisings, awakenings and renewals – but as for revival? We know that in the natural, it is the wind that causes the fires to spread so quickly. Indeed, the extreme temperature from the fire causes its own wind. What we need in the Chapels and Churches in Wales, and indeed around the UK, is a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit to blow through this land.
WildFires Revival is our desire – to see new life birthed once again in the heart of individuals, and in the Spiritual life of Wales. We will be revisiting the old revival sites, telling the stories, and holding WildFire Revival meetings in many locations – with the intention of unblocking the wells, and allowing the Holy Spirit to do His work.
Oh, what a day that will be, and I believe, we will see it very soon!
— David Hatch